CFP Form details

Have some Java on your mind? Share it with others!

Submit your idea for a lecture – answer our Call For Papers and become a JDD online speaker. We’re looking for brilliant ideas and absorbing real-life examples, that we can share ONLINE with our hungry for the knowledge attendees! All levels and interesting Java-related topics are welcome, so don’t hesitate and try yourself!
Share it during a presentation, a workshop or a case study (45”).

Why you should perform at the best conference on Java in Poland?
Although it’s online, it’s still a great networking opportunity!
– Meet online enthusiastic Java developers and representatives of Polish JUGs
– Start new projects with accomplished & experienced people
Big „online stage” experience:
– JDD is one of the biggest conferences on Java in Poland
– It’s a community-driven event – we gather JUGs from all over the country in one place in the Internet
– We focus on sharing knowledge and touching the hottest Java topics
– We offer a chance to listen to the best Java specialists

We want your presentation to be among theirs!

Subject of CFP has to be related to any of these topics:
- JVM (Java, Scala, Kotlin…); Functional Programming; Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes; Cloud, AWS; Machine learning, AI; Architecture; Testing, TDD, BDD; Agile; Future of Java; Processes and Tools; Getting Started; Clean code; IoT, VR, AR etc.
How to become an online speaker?
Apply by completing the form.
Your entry will be evaluated by our Program Committee – the group of the best specialists, leaders of Polish JUGs. We will inform you about the results up to two weeks after the CFP deadline (31st of August 2020).

(max. 2MB)

* The short biography, the topic of the presentation, its description and photo will be published on JDD website and promotional materials

I agree to the processing of personal data provided in this form for realizing the JDD 2020 Call for Papers process pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000) and in agreement with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). Controller of the Personal Data is PROIDEA Ltd. with its headquarters in Kraków, 30-418 Kraków, Zakopiańska 9 Street. Personal data is processed for the purposes of building the JDD 2020 conference agenda and is provided to the member of the Programme Council in order to conduct the JDD 2020 Call for Papers process. Providing data is voluntary, but it is necessary to submit a lecture proposal for the JDD 2020 conference.
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