Hot topics to explore at JDD

Hot topics to explore at JDD

With dozens of informative, hands-on presentations in the schedule, it’s not always easy to choose your go-to talks. Here are a few topics that especially caught our attention!

Paco van Beckhoven: Cracking the Code Review
Paco extracted essential lessons about code reviews from a decade of experience and consulting across varied companies. Gain the skills to review code like a professional.

Viktor Gamov: One Does Not Simply Query a Stream
Dive into the solutions for querying the contents of a topic. Enhance your Kafka expertise and deploy the right choice for querying the logs that hold your data.

Jarosław Pałka: OpenJDK: A do-it-yourself guide
A speed run over the OpenJDK project structure and architecture. Learn how to build your own OpenJDK build, and how to navigate a mash-up of C++, C, and Java code

Zbyszko Papierski: LLM – Search Engine Killer?
Dig into the performance of LLMs when answering knowledge-based questions. Explore methods of leveraging the benefits of all approaches, to get what the user asked for.

Artur Skowroński: JVM in the Age of AI
Discover what needs to happen within the virtual machine for the JVM to become a good platform for Machine Learning and AI and meet their demands.


What would you add to your conference lineup for JDD 2024? After registering for the conference, you can use Eventory to create your schedule and ensure you don’t miss any sessions that can boost your career! Another tip: the talks will be recorded and available right after the conference – if any chosen lectures overlap, you can watch one of them later.

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