Spotlight on IT industry leaders: An overview of the JDD community

Spotlight on IT industry leaders: An overview of the JDD community

The JDD 2024 conference is growing every day. At our event, you will have the opportunity to meet representatives of Allegro, Backbase, Comarch, Dell, ING Hubs, Sii, Samsung, TomTom, and many other companies and leaders in the IT industry. 

From e-commerce giants to cutting-edge healthcare technology, here’s a glimpse into the key players and the areas they represent. Take a look at the overview of the companies and IT sectors that will be present at JDD 2024.

THE FINANCE SECTOR will be well-represented by companies like Alior Bank, ING Hubs, UBS, Backbase, FINANTEQ, and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB. These firms are at the forefront of financial technology, providing innovative solutions in mobile banking, investment management, and digital transformation for the banking industry.

The IT SOLUTIONS & SOFTWARE category comprises companies offering a broad spectrum of services. Asseco Poland, the largest Polish software manufacturer, delivers solutions for state institutions, finance, and entrepreneurs. Agilino specializes in creating custom websites and applications, while AIS.PL focuses on process automation, application integration, and cloud migration.

ALTEN Polska caters to the automotive and aeronautics sectors, and Codibly drives innovation in renewable energy and eMobility. Comarch provides comprehensive IT systems and business support, and Currenda develops IT solutions specifically for the judiciary. Decerto specializes in insurance software.

Exlabs stands out as a leader in cloud solutions, followed by Sii leading in engineering and business services. Guidewire highlights its software for the P&C insurance industry, and HARMAN Connected Services brings expertise in connected technologies. Jamf Software is a world leader in macOS and iOS management, providing essential tools for enterprise Apple device management.

QNT Systemy Informatyczne offers IT systems for state administration and education, while Self Learning Solutions focuses on business workflow automation. SILEVIS SOFTWARE tailors solutions for the manufacturing, automotive, and semiconductor industries. Wasko serves sectors like fuel and energy, healthcare, and government, and WTG Innovation delivers globally recognized IT software solutions.

The HARDWARE SECTOR is represented by Dell, renowned for its comprehensive technology solutions, services, and support, while Samsung continues to lead in consumer electronics, IT, mobile communications, and device solutions.

Apart from the mentioned industries with a strong presence, there will be other key players in the IT market. Allegro will represent e-commerce, as one of the largest online marketplaces in CEE. FedEx Dataworks is building solutions to make supply chains smarter. Hexagon is a global leader in digital reality solutions. IDEMIA Poland will showcase its expertise in biometrics and cryptography, critical for secure identity verification. j-labs is notable in IT outsourcing, known for its expertise in providing high-quality software development and IT consulting services. Roche Polska will represent the healthcare industry, as one of the world’s leading research-based healthcare companies. TomTom, a leader in geolocation technology offers advancements in navigation and mapping solutions.

JDD promises to be a dynamic event for industry leaders, providing developers with a unique opportunity to interact with state-of-the-art technologies and solutions across various sectors. Joining the conference opens multiple growth and career solutions, both for attendees and partnering companies.

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